Level 15

Thanks, it's nice to be back thanks to all of the folks that spoke up for me.  I was serious that if I was locked out for 30 days, I most likely would not come back.  I admit that in the past I have had my fair share of bare knuckle brawls on here with trolls.  However, in this case, I didn't raise my voice so I didn't really like the fact that I was kicked out without a jury of my peers making that decision.  There aren't many folks left that have been around here as long as I have.  Some of the early days group have retired, some have passed away, and some just got too pissed off with Intuit to stick around. 

I admit that I am getting old, so I can say this and blame old age for it, but a large portion of the younger folks tend to be about themselves and helping other folks out isn't a top priority.  Plus those younger folks were never taught the basics of how to manually crank through the numbers to really understand how a return really flows.  They want to take a picture of something and have the software take it from there.

So with that said I'll be here for awhile, or at least until I collect 30,000 thumbs so that I can retire with a full Intuit thumb pension.  But hopefully someone will get the cane and pull me out of here when I start answering questions with things like "alarm clock" when someone asks what line W-2s go on 😜


Slava Ukraini!