Level 15


I just received an e-mail so I had to check it out.  I see that overall, my decrease was........................ oh wait a second we all know we never see a decrease.  My overall bill went up 7.8%, but the thing that caught my eye, Quick Employer Forms went up from $189.00 to $338.53.  For anybody that is bad at math, that is a bit north of 7.8%.  What's up with that increase?  Not enough folks are using it so they had to make up for the shortfall or so many people are using it after the new e-file requirements went into effect so now we can gouge them?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 8

First deadline achieved.  Many missing documents arrived.  Completed many returns.  Extended the rest. 

Level 15

@IRonMaN They are not the only one sending out renewals, one of the tax reference publications sent me a renewal already. I don't renew anything this early. Could the answer to your last question may be the latter part? Every time the politicians pass e-file mandates and requirements they make it difficult for our clients and us, and who do you think gets the short end of the stick? Or whatever the saying is. Heidi is shh. 

Level 15

Short end, long end, it is still the end of the stick.  Just give Heidi the middle of the stick so she can really hang on to it.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

I did not receive an email but I logged into the site and there it was.. I am all refreshed from a great 2023 tax year and am ready for 2024 tax filing season to begin!  When does efile open for 2024 tax year?

Level 15
2023 isn't over yet. We still have a lot of extensions and fiscal year-end returns. I'm working on a return now that is so massive I have to work on it in stages. This is definitely a return that cannot be done quickly.
Level 11
Level 11

@IRonMaN    <<Quick Employer Forms went up from $189.00 to $338.53. >>

I just do a handful of 1099's.   Any suggestions or alternatives?  At best it has been a bit cheesy. 

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 11
Level 11

@PATAX 10-4.  I have plenty on extensions also.. Last few days or so filed several extensions, caught up on my business accounts monthly or quarterly accounting, worked on quarter one payroll taxes for my cliients that I do payroll for.. cut the grass, worked on a passive growth tracing of a 401K plan to determine the marital and non-marital portion of the 401K.  next non-accounting or tax issue is to get one my collector cars going for the year.. Here is one.. a right hand drive Japanese Domestic Car, (JDM) only sold in Japan I picked up a few years ago.. 1989 Nissan S-Cargo.. big hit at car cruises. 00o0o_apICoSKYqDQ_600x450.jpg00m0m_2khqU6U0b2H_600x450.jpg 

Level 15

@Skylane 1099-etc Advanced Micro Solutions, Inc. 1-800-536-1099. Great people in Oklahoma. U.S. phone support. Reasonable price.

Level 15

Thats a cool looking car. Japanese cars have always been known for high quality.

Level 15

@Skylane  We use Track1099 now.

(Former QEF user)

The more I know the more I don’t know.
Level 11
Level 11

@sjrcpa   Thanks.... I guess they're just  looking to thin the herd.  Hope they didn't miss their elasticity projections. 

(another) former QEF user  

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 11
Level 11

@PATAX  Thanks I'll check them out.   

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

I knew there are other systems out there but it is nice to see what people that I trust here are using.

@Jim-from-Ohio - did I read that right.  You bring that car to cruises or circuses?  It looks a little like one of those little cars that a bunch of clowns pop out of at the circus.  You don't do a little moonlighting that requires you to wear a red nose, do you? 😉

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

@PATAX The late 80s and early 90s was a very rich time for Japan in general.. before the japanese stock market tanked back then japanese auto makers would take a high volume car and make these art deco cars only to be sold on a very limited volume.  One of the halo cars of Nissan from that era, and current stable mate to the S-Cargo is a Nissan Figaro.. in pale aqua, here from a show in Loudonvile I took it to a few yeas ago.19732209_10154971054074790_3912582465358852095_n.jpg5DD9C334-69F4-4CC4-8BF7-EB66C80C54E4-762x456.jpeg

Level 15

Jim - do you purchase cars in that condition or do you do some restoration work yourself?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

@IRonMaN I find them in that condition.. My biggest benchmark is to make sure the car has no rust.. mechanically sound of course also but mechancial issues can be fixed and to find super clean late 80s Japanese markets is kind of special.  So no rust is my number one requirement. 

The S-Cargo I bought from a company that specialized in bringing these never sold in USA cars over to the states.. Most states here honor the 25 year rule that Bill Gates got into law. He was trying to bring a german car here, one that was never sold here and they installed a new law that if the car was 25 years or older it was exempt from EPA and safety standards.. These tiny japanese cars would never meet any modern safety or EPA standard but they are exempt in most states being 25 years old or older.

I have one more.. I know.. I collect these. some would say, eccentric cars, odd ball cars..which I find fascinating and really cool. Any way.. Japan still makes them today but following the 25 year rule. is my 1988 Honda Acty.. a Japanese mini truck.. right hand drive, 3 cylinder, 35 Horsepower maybe with fold down sides to turn into a flat bed.. I like the 1988 and early 1989 Actys because they have the classic , round eyed headlights; later models had more of a rectangle headlight but the round eyed Actsy are pretty rare, especially in good shape: 1989_honda_acty_157724479065ef66e7dff9f98767E41D111-1EE2-4749-BBE0-CCAF6CD55808-e1578341380954.jpeg

Level 15

Interesting collection.  I tend to drool over the classic muscle cars - Mustangs, Camaros, GTOs, etc, so don't send the cops to my house if one of your cars goes missing.  But you do have some unique vehicles that look in great condition so you appear to have found your niche in the world of car collections.

Slava Ukraini!
Level 11
Level 11

@Jim-from-Ohio very cool collection. Good friend collects and restores US antiques, mostly 20s - 50s… he keeps about a dozen in his garages.

If at first you don’t succeed…..find a workaround
Level 15

Here is a link to a guy that likes to collect cars, primarily muscle cars.  I went through the place about 4 or 5 years ago and hopefully I didn't ruin the finish on any of the cars by drooling on them.  The guy is part of the Marvin family and making windows has been very good to the family --------- and the family has been very good to the Warroad, MN area.  Hopefully you don't run into storage problems Jim so that you have to build your own shed. 😀

The Shed - Classic & Muscle Car Collection (

Slava Ukraini!