Level 5

I am soon to be 74, and 53 years as a preparer.  The bulk of my clients have been with me since the early 1980's.  I have a saying with my practice my clients become my friends and if you don't become my friend, you don't come back.  I have done their returns for so many years I can scan the folder when they come in and tell them if they have forgotten something.  I am blessed that for the most part they have enough faith and trust in me to discuss life issues with them, and most of the time they leave in a better frame of mind than when they arrived, and that is much more rewarding than the money they pay me to do their return.  I am a one person office, and it seems there is a tax preparer on every street corner in this town, the only thing we have to offer is ourselves.  I feel that is why my clients are so loyal, I have taken the time to know them and their families and situations and they enjoy catching up and getting some free advice!.