Level 1

The Instructions for Form 990-EZ generally indicate that an exempt organization may use the 2023 series 990 forms for a final filing for a short tax year ending in 2024. (See Instructions, page 4, under Short Period; it is updated each year). We just filed the 2023 990-EZ and would like to file the 2024 990-EZ, but Pro Series won't transmit the return because the submission is a duplicate of one that was previously received.

Has anybody encountered this before, and if so, is there a way to get the 2024 return to transmit?

0 Cheers
Level 15

I don't know if there is some secret handshake or what you have to do since typically, once you have e-filed any type of return, the software won't let you do it again for the same EIN.  Since you aren't supposed to paper file 990s I don't know if the only option is to wait a year for the 2024 software to come out?

Slava Ukraini!