Level 2
Client is a full year NYS resident, but does not live in NYC.  She started a new job in February 2023 working for NYC Office of Emergency Management which withheld NYC income tax as required.  I have filled out the NYC-1127, but the amounts do not automatically flow onto the IT-201.  How is this done?
0 Cheers
Level 5

1127 is a separate tax form and not integrated with IT-201

Level 15

If you indicated NY state resident and coded the W-2 as NY the wages should be on the IT-201.

The more I know the more I don’t know.
0 Cheers
Level 2

That does not work once the box for NYC non resident is checked.  The NYC income and tax withheld do not appear on the IT-201.

0 Cheers
Level 2

if its not integrated with IT-201, then how do I manually get the information onto the 201 so that the NYC wages and withholding appear?

0 Cheers