Level 15

But in the rush to get things done, it sounds like your clients are dealing more with AI than a human. Since the start of COVID, the majority of my appointments have disappeared and I deal with more drop offs.  Sometimes it bothers me that I have lost some of that contact with my clients.  To each his own how they run their practice and if an assembly line works for you go for it.  But I have wondered about the quality control at the end of the assembly line.  If you are busy beating away on the keyboard and then tell the clients that return is ready to come out of the oven, do you ever sit back and review what you have done?  I am pretty good at data entry on a keyboard, but I am the first to admit that I am not perfect.  That's why every 1040 that goes out the door gets reviewed by IronWoman.  When I was still trying to learn the difference between a 1040 and an 1120 when I first started this business, there was always a second set of eyes looking at every return before it left the office.  Because of that upbringing, I would never feel comfortable just cranking out a return and handing it to the client.  If I was doing this all by my lonesome, I wouldn't let a return go out the door before I let it sit overnight and did my own "second partner" review the next morning. 

Slava Ukraini!