Level 15

"I don't think the powers-that-be understand how this process works for small businesses in the real world.'

A few years ago I was at a governmental accounting class.  The guy teaching the class was lecturing on the perfect world where all local governments needed to have a full staff of heavy weight accountants to make sure absolutely everything was perfect so the auditors would never have to even think about independence issues by having to make an adjusting journal entry.  The guy calls on me to grill me about how all of my clients must have those all knowing financial people on staff.  Believe it or not a lot of cities in northern Minnesota are small.  If the city clerk was formerly a bank teller before they made the jump to government accounting, they would have to be considered having a strong financial background compared to most.  The guy kept pushing about the issue and finally I had enough and told him the problem with governmental accounting is the fact that the people writing the rules have no clue that there is a difference between the makeup of the finance department of New York City and New York Mills Minnesota.  Ironwoman slowly sank under the table, flipping her name badge over thinking that a SWAT team would soon be arriving to our office to pull our licenses.  Meanwhile, in the back of the room I received a standing ovation from the other participants.  This whole EFTPS debacle is just another example of people making rules when they have no clue how the real world actually works.

Slava Ukraini!