Level 2

How do you delete a client  Pro Series

0 Cheers
Level 15

Highlight the client in homebase and hit the delete key on your keyboard

Slava Ukraini!
Level 2

Not enough detail for this dummy. I highlighted the client, went to homebase selected home base maintenance takes me to 21data which takes me to homebase maintenance to add, delete, or update but they are not hi=-lited and wont perform. So what am I missing?

0 Cheers
Level 11

In any homebase other than the efile homebase

  • Click on a client name
  • Right Click brings up a menu
  • Select delete from that menu
Level 2

I did that. When I right click, the menu comes up as you say but the delete is not Hi-Lited and nothing happens when i click on it

0 Cheers
Level 15

Go to your ProSeries homebase.  Left click your mouse on the client you want to delete.  It should now be highlighted.  Click the delete button on your keyboard.

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 11

Are you in the 1040 homebase or the efile homebase.

This will not work in the EFILE homebase, but should work in the individual modules, and least it works on mine and has in previous years the same way.



Level 2

I'm sorry, the delete option is there but not hi-lited; therefore doesn't delete. I'm in  the detail homebase. I don't know what the E-file data base is.

0 Cheers
Level 11

Go to the form 1040 homebase.

Are you using Pro Series Professional?

on the top left corner is a white box with over the top of that it says "Homebase View" Click on the down arrow on the right of the box and it lets you select the homebase for whatever type of return you are working on.


Level 2

I'm sorry. That suggestion doesn't work for me. Nothing happens when I hit delete

0 Cheers
Level 15

I have no idea why you aren't able to delete the client.  With that said, does it really need to be deleted or can you live long and prosper if the client is still listed in homebase?

Slava Ukraini!
Level 1

I am having the same problem. homebase right click on client or File - Client File Maintenance - 

either way delete is not "active" or highlighted

0 Cheers
Level 15

Does highlighting the client and then clicking on the delete button on your keyboard work?

Slava Ukraini!
0 Cheers
Level 1

I called and this was solved. In the upper left corner there is a dropdown menu. If you are in "EF center" it will not activate delete or other options. You must choose "All Tax Returns". 

Then select and right click as before and the options are active. 


Hope this helps. Worked for me

0 Cheers
Level 1

Pro Series Basic - How to delete client

Click on 1040 at top of screen (left hand corner)

Click on homebase (top of the screen)

Highlight client -Right click on the mouse

Delete should be highlighted, click on delete.  this worked for me.

0 Cheers