Level 4

The 1099-G form for a Federal tax return of a state of Georgia resident seems to require two pieces of information.  The STATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER and the PAYER'S (Georgia) FEDERAL TIN NUMBER.  For states other than GA, these two pieces of information are not required to file a federal tax return.  For a Federal tax return for a Georgia resident, Intuit ProSeries Basic requires (error is received) that the PAYER's FEDERAL TIN NUMBER be entered. This question about where to find this number and why is it required has been floating around for some time without the solution actually being supplied.  I understand that the GA EIN (State Identification Number) is 58-6002015 but the error is occurring on the PAYER's FEDERAL TIN NUMBER field.  This seems to be something unique for GA residents.


So here are the questions again.  Where can I find the GEORGIA FEDERAL TIN NUMBER to be entered on the Federal 1099-G Electronic Filing Worksheet OR Why does Intuit ProSeries Basic require this field for Georgia returns but not for other states?


Your help is appreciated.





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