Level 11

i could do four of my "normal" returns in the time it takes to do one remote return. between going back and forth from screen to screen to having a bunch of open items that would have been avoided if the client was sitting here these remote returns are for the birds.  and one more thing that now I am so stressed from this remote return.. No, you cannot "just drop off your tax papers" and I get to them when I have time.  We have to set up an appointment.  Dropping off tax papers is almost as bad as remote tax prep.. I will have open items and have to call you and have various returns with open items.  So no drop offs. I had a drop off last week and of course there were questions. taxpayer was like 82 year old lady.. it was about 9:30 pm and I thought.. hmm. should i call her with my questions.. i decided well, yes call her.. i don't know why the call went to her answering machine.. if she was in person i could have avoided all of that back and forth.