Level 9

I filled out 1095A as presented: Halfway through 1095 client paid full premium, subsidies ceased. Form 1095 filled Column A thru to December. Columns B and C were BLANK past the ceased subsidy. I entered it just like that but it glowed red. I tried to enter zeroes but that glowed red. The only way it stopped glowing red is that I entered columns A and B thru December, and indicated in Column C as zero subsidy when subsidies stopped. This was accurate as to what happened. But client got an IRS letter saying I must enter it monthly in lines 12-23 because premiums had changed midway. I can't access lines 12-23. Question 10 (per other response by community) also can't be accessed. How do I get there? I had never done a monthly entry before, would be lost without software guidance.

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