Level 7

Maybe someone can help me understand how to send an extension w/ payment for CA LLC. 

I tried selecting ext as I would for other states and Proseries says it's not necessary if no non-consenting nonresident tax is due. Both members are residents and the LLC is a CA domestic LLC so the previous statement would be true. However I would like the client to be able to pay the minimum $800 tax by the deadline so he is not penalized. 

I also tried printing form 3522, but even though the bank details are filled out, they do not show on the voucher. I am not going to have the client send a check. Form 3588 says it's for e-filed returns, but I only want to file an extension.

Is there any way at all to send the extension with a payment electronically from Proseries at all? I would like to avoid having to go to the stupid website and do a separate transaction.

And I guess the follow up question would be, if a standalone website payment is the only way to make the payment in this case, do I need to send a separate extension or would that not be necessary?

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Do you have the CA LLC Extension marked for EFiling on the Federal Information worksheet?

0 Cheers
Level 7


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

And youve marked the EF payment boxes at the bottom of the actual 3522?

0 Cheers
Level 7

Yes, the box is marked and I entered in the payment info separately over here since it did not transfer. 

It doesn't seem to change anything and the payment info doesn't show up on the voucher if I print it as a standalone. 

0 Cheers
Level 7


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

So youve got it marked for EF and youve got the banking info input, when you save and exit back to the EFcenter, you dont see the CALLC in the Pending Tab?  Does it say Direct Debit in the Payment Method column?


0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Ohh, ok, I think the 3537 is for paying the actual "tax" (when you owe more than just the 800 annual fee, I dont have any of these).  If you only want to pay the annual 800 fee, just send in the 3522 with the 800 payment for 2023.  CA doesnt want an extension if you dont owe taxes...the 800 isnt a "tax" its a fee.

Level 7

ok, but if I print the 3522 by itself none of the banking info I put in shows up. How will CA know where to take the $800 from? This seems like a voucher you would use with a check, but it has a worksheet to put in banking info, so I'm befuddled. 

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Youre making the payment electronically when you Efile, right? 

If they want to mail a voucher with a check, then you can print out the voucher and they can mail it.

Banking info wont appear on the actual payment voucher.

Maybe Im misunderstanding what youre asking.

0 Cheers
Level 15
Level 15

Ohhhh, its not an "extension", the 3522 is an estimated payment...duh, Im sorry, thats my fault.

Im not sure if you can EF just the 3522 like that.   

0 Cheers
Level 7

So basically I have to go onto the website and make the payment manually? What an infuriating process.

0 Cheers
Level 1

I struggled with it for many years. I learned once, and forgot it, and relearned. Like that.

You have to examine the purposes of three forms.

Form 3537: Read its instruction published by the State. In normal situations, you don't to have to file this. CA gives you automatic 7-month extension without requiring you of anything. You need to file this form when the LLC pays State tax in place of a member or members. I don't know how this situation occurs, but the instruction looks like that. So skip it.

Form 3536: Read the instruction published by the State. This is designed to pay one year in advance. For 2022 estimated tax, I paid during filing 2021 tax, according to Pro Series design. What you find in 2022 Pro Series is for estimated tax for 2023. Try to change the date, and you will find an error message.

Form 3522: The same as 3536.

Only Form 568 allows you to pay for the right year.


0 Cheers
Level 1

While filing 568, ,you can pay 2022 tax minus whatever you paid with 3536. In my care, I filed 3536 for 2022 while filing 568 for 2021. I will pay for 568 (if any amount over 2,500 I paid last year while filing 2021 form 568), 2,500 or more for 2023 (with 3536), and 800 for 2023 with 3522. I will do these all while filing 568 in May. Now, I do nothing. 

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