Level 2

This is absolutely ludicrous as NONE of us want to create a fabricated W-2 within ProSeries that doesn't match the W-2 Form that was filed with the IRS!!

Is this what Pro-Series is truly recommending to solve the Maryland Part-Year Income problem where source income on the W-2 is incorrect and the income needs to be sourced to multiple states including Maryland.

The problem seems to only be unsolvable with Maryland as other states allow users to exclude duplicate income that may be created using ProSeries PY Allocation Worksheet as the PY Allocation Worksheet ALWAYS wants to include the income as its sourced on the W-2 no matter if it's right or wrong which creates duplicate income when entering the correct income for the source and resident state.

Whomever is responsible for the State of Maryland programming needs to take a serious look at this matter and fix this once and for all as it's been a problem for years!!

By the way tech support has washed their hands of this problem and states that there's nothing they can do.

0 Cheers