Level 15

These are not "wind" so much as "stirrer" with short blades and a lazy rotation They keep the cold air from settling in one spot to avoid creating frost. They are not super tall, because cold air settles along the ground. They can be electric or diesel. They don't really have any building, and often a pole, not a tower; like a large flag pole sunk into concrete. We had them in the citrus and avocado orchards where I grew up. I found something from 1995:


In the cost analysis between this equipment and frost insurance: "Wind machine benefits and costs are estimated for a 15 year period. Wind machines last longer, but this is a typical machine life used for tax reporting and assigning a salvage value to the wind machine at year 15 is equivalent to analyzing the feasibility for the entire lifetime of a wind machine. With competitive markets, any profits after year 15 are captured in the salvage value of the wind machine at year 15."

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.