Level 15

"Who is more stupid? Me or Proseries?"

Please don't make us think so hard on a weekend 😉

There is no such thing as the perfect software.  Every software out there does something better than the one you are using ......................... and the current one also does something better than the software you are evaluating. 

For me the software worked relatively well this year.  I would have said "well" instead of "relatively well" if I hadn't had to make my first phone call to support in years.  But support answered the phone right away, the support person was polite, I could easily understand the support person (I hate having to deal with support based in Louisiana ---------- I have trouble understanding Cajun), and we got my problem solved in a short period of time.  But with that said, dealing with Intuit can be maddening at times.  The standard line of "in a future update" is enough to make you want to scream.  Give us an estimate ....... with a broad range that you know you can meet.  Running a tax practice is almost impossible when all you can tell a client is ....................."I have your return almost done but I'm waiting for a software update that may not come before hell freezes over".  To keep this discussion relatively short, I'll leave things like 8915F, 7203, etc out of this discussion.

So in summation, I do hate Intuit, but I don't have a good enough reason at this time to move to another company that I probably would also learn to hate.

Slava Ukraini!