Level 3

How about a check box on the top of the form such as "check this box if this form does not apply."  Why harass the tax preparer?  You know when one uses a professional software package, and a form "lights up" meaning we get an error message when we know the form doesn't apply, a diligent tax preparer will try to figure out what is wrong.  That entails first checking the cross reference - there was none.  Then reading the ProSeries help for that form.  Then next going to the IRS instructions for Form 8812.  Any lastly, knowing something is really odd, seeing if others had the same issue.  That is all very time consuming.  So all those out there who that that person who said "that the solutions listed were unacceptable" think twice before you dismiss him.  ProSeries has wasted my time on this and yes now I wasted more because I feel the need to answer the know-it-all "experts."