Level 5

Client sold rental property in 2021 and identified the exchange property within 45 days and purchased it. 

This rental property was a condominium. Not sure where this is reported. I did not see an election to use on the asset entry worksheet. 

Any help would be appreciated.

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Lord Happy
Level 5

Happy day...Form 8824 is your friend.  I strongly recommend that you keep copies of the ALTA/Hud-1 and whatever other workpapers you use under lock and key, scanned in triplicate and tattooed on your thighs.  It will come back at you in the most amazing ways.  Be sure to know if the state has a clawback provision, too. 

I'm dealing with one now for a LKE of a property bought in NJ in 1962 and swapped into an MA property in 2007.  Thank goodness we kept amazing records detailing the swap, because this has become a contentious thing and its great to be able to show the client, who is now in his late 70s, his own handwriting on the docs.

0 Cheers
Level 7

Did your client use a qualified intermediary?  Or,  just sell the rental property take the proceeds and buy another property? 

0 Cheers
Level 5

The client did use a qualified intermediary to handle the transaction. The new property was identified and purchased within the allowed time.

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