Brother Jack
Level 3

Seen this discussed recently but did not want to hijack the threads

My situation is a reject for a non dependent child's return who's parents have the 1095A; who's return I also prepared.  100% of the 1095A info was reported on the parents return who received additional PTC credit.. That return was accepted without issue.

For the Non-dependent I completed the 1095A worksheet line for line using all the information from the parents 1095A. I then allocated 0% to the non-dependent.  That info flows to the 8962 Part IV properly but the 8962 is not a (F6) highlighted form or part of the return.. I can't get proseries to generate a Form 8962. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong,  and the return continues to reject with the standard F8962-70 error.

What am I missing here

Appreciate any help or guidance.

0 Cheers