Level 15

This is the first we've heard of this decision. That doesn't jive with the information Intuit has revealed in the Forms listings. Nor does it match how the other Form 8915s (-B, -C and -D, and -E last year) were handled. Who did you talk to that told you this? Can you post the link to where this is posted?

I've posted the links to the IRS draft forms page, where you can see the updated versions that are not released, and to the production forms page, where you can monitor what is released and which versions. I've also posted the links for the Intuit programs ProSeries, ProConnect and Lacerte forms, which all state this will be finalized March 17. Not being an efile form doesn't mean you handle it manually. It means the IRS expects the software providers to either supply it in an alternate data version (behind the scenes with the filing) or as a pdf form ("auto-generate"), neither of which is new.

And the programs are not yet updated for this.

If you know differently, let's confirm that as fact, not rumor. Thanks.

"Level Up" is a gaming function, not a real life function.