
Microsoft has announced that Internet Explorer 11 will end support for certain operating systems starting May 17, 2022 (previously set for June 15, 2022).

Important Note: See FAQ 10 regarding Normal and Compatibility mode during login below

Q1. Why is this important?

A1. This is important for Lacerte because the login page is dependent on IE 11, which means we will be updating our programs to eliminate this dependency. 


Q2. What is Lacerte doing to address this?

A2. Lacerte will be providing program updates to ensure our products are not dependent on IE11 before the date of deprecation. Once the program is updated, it will no longer utilize IE11 and you will be able to login to your products uninterrupted.


Q3. What does this mean for me?

A3. It is important that you run these program updates to prevent interruption once IE11 has been deprecated. Note: Lacerte 2016 update has additional requirements.


Q4. What is different about the 2016 update?

A4. The 2016 update must be run using the WebSetup downloaded from MyAccount. If you run the update from within the program, Lacerte will continue to point to IE11. Running the update using the WebSetup downloaded from MyAccount will correct this, preventing login issues once IE11 has been deprecated. 

See  '3. MyAccount' in the details provided below under FAQ "What if I don't run these updates?"


Q5. What if I don't run these updates?

A5. If you don't run these updates, and you attempt to log into the program once IE11 has been deprecated, you will receive the following message:

"You’ll need to update your software to access your Intuit Account here."

Follow these steps to update your product externally. There are three ways this can be done:

  1. Web Setup
  2. Lacerte Tool Hub
  3. MyAccount


Q6. What product years does this impact?

A6. This impacts the following Lacerte programs; 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020

  • 2016 - Updated Available 4/22 
  • 2017 - Update Available 4/4
  • 2018 - Update Available 3/3
  • 2019 - Update Available 2/16
  • 2020 - Update Available 3/22
  • 2021 - Already up to date


Q7. What else is impacted?

A7. Once a program year has been updated to include this change, and you need to install a program for the first time, you will need to download the prep file prior to installing the program.


Q9. Follow these steps to download prep files from MyAccount:

  1. Log into MyAccount
  2. On the Dashboard, using the Lacerte options select the correct program year by clicking the ‘previous years’ dropdown menu.
  3. Once you select the applicable program year, Click the Prep File link.
  4. Once the Prep file has been downloaded either note the location, or drag and drop it on your desktop for later.
  5. Begin the program installation process by clicking Download 20XX (XX is the applicable tax year).
  6. Once the install is complete if you didn’t pull the prep file in during the install process, close Lacerte. You will need to drag and drop the Prep file into the OPTIONXX folder. (Lacerte > XXTax > OPTIONXX)
  7. Open Lacerte and verify your firm information is displayed in Settings > Options > Firm Info tab.


Q10. What is the difference in my Login Screen options for Normal and Compatibility mode?

A10. At this time the ability to toggle between Normal and Compatibility mode are available. This will eventually be removed. However, it's important to use the Normal mode with the IE11 deprecation. When using the Compatibility mode, the program will attempt to open with IE11 and cause problems.

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