Art Leonard
Level 3

Why do you disconnect the call back feature? If you call me back the next business day, that's OK. It's much better than waiting. I made a call 25 minutes ago and I'm still listening to music. There are times I have to wait more than an hour. I can't leave my desk or use the phone while I'm waiting. Very aggravating!!

Level 15

Same call?

Honestly the community can generally answer your question and you can leave the room while we work on it. 

Your complaint to the Lacerte is not being noticed here, since 99.99% of all questions (statements?) are not responded to by an employee. 

Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Art Leonard
Level 3

Your call back system should be left on all the time. I'm OK with getting a call back after the day I call. It's awful to be kept waiting. If you took a poll of your patrons, I'm sure an overwhelming majority would agree with me. I don't know why you say I can leave the room while I'm waiting on the phone. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

Your complaint to the Lacerte is not being noticed here, since 99.99% of all questions (statements?) are not responded to by an employee.  They are responses from other users like me. I have no control. 

Contact one or all of these people


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
Level 15


"same call?" is probably the funniest thing I've seen all day!

@Art Leonard 

You keep posting to your Peer users here on the internet community. There is no "you" here except You, and all the rest of the peer users. This is not Tech Support or Customer Support. It's your peer users, who volunteer to be helpful. You won't have to be on hold on the phone while waiting for one of your peer users to see your issue and try to help. That's why you were prompted last month to ask your question here, to see if someone else who is in your peer community might be able to help with your issue.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers
Level 15

@qbteachmt I am glad you enjoyed. I am sure @Art Leonard is not have such a good day. I wish we could help him more.


Answers are easy. Questions are hard!
0 Cheers
Level 15

"I wish we could help him more."

You can't win if you don't play. That means, you need to Ask Here, if you want Help from Here.

Don't yell at us; we're volunteers