Future Proofing Your Firm With Cloud Hosting
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02:38 PM
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Our speaker for this event is Dean Aramburu!
Dean Aramburu is a Product Specialist at Intuit specializing in cloud hosting and Intuit Practice Management. He is a Texas A&M University graduate and will be receiving his MBA from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in May. Dean has a passion around helping accounting firms embrace technology that will make their lives easier and helping with the change management that comes with it.
The cloud has historically been a scary concept for many accounting firms, but the fact of the matter is the cloud is helpful and can change the way you do business. Today we’ll cover in layman’s terms what the cloud is and how you can utilize a hosting solution to use your current desktop based software's and still get the benefits of the cloud. Listen to Intuit Product Specialist Dean Aramburu, Right Networks Director of Sales Kevin Roosa and Right Networks Director of Firm Consulting as they talk about the different challenges that hosting solves for accounting firms.
By completing this webinar, you will be able to:
· Explain what the cloud is in layman’s terms
· Understand the data security that protects the cloud
· Understand the potential impact to your business
· Hear from Intuit's partner Right Networks on their setup to help in you
Who Should Attend?
Anyone who prepares taxes, does bookkeeping, or any other accounting type work
Course Level: Basic [SJ1]
Course Length: 60 Minutes[SJ2]
Prerequisites: NONE
Delivery Method: Group-Live Internet
Field of Study: Information Technology- Non Technical
Recommended CPE: 1

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Tue, Sep 20, 2022 02:00 PM CDT
Tue, Sep 20, 2022 03:00 PM CDT