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Day 1 of 2: 2023 Tax Season and Advisory Readiness- January 10th, 2024

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Day 1 of 2: 2023 Tax Season and Advisory Readiness- January 10th, 2024

Published on ‎11-28-2023 10:19 AM by Community Manager | Updated on ‎01-10-2024 11:08 AM

Join the event

January 10th - 11th 2024
Join tax and accounting experts for this free virtual conference centered around preparing for the upcoming tax season and learn how to deliver tax advisory for your clients.

This free, 2-day, online event has an agenda packed with sessions and keynotes on recent tax law changes and their impact on your clients, new product enhancements, tax advisory services, and more.

10:00 AM-10:20 AM CT KEYNOTE Intuit's Strategy to Power Prosperity for Pros and Their Clients

Speaker: Brady Suggs, Director of Product Management, Intuit

In this session, Brady Suggs, director of product management for Intuit, will cover Intuit’s ProTax Group’s strategy that is focused on powering prosperity for professionals and their clients. Key industry trends, common problems pros and their clients face, and emerging technology drive the actions Intuit is taking in service to helping pros and their clients succeed.

10 minute Coffee Break 

10:30 AM-11:30 AM Tax Season Briefing with Lacerte, ProConnect Tax & ProSeries 

Event has ended
You can no longer attend this event.

Wed, Jan 10, 2024 10:00 AM CST
Wed, Jan 10, 2024 03:30 PM CST
Labels (1)
New Member

i cannot log into the conference

This is absurd. I took a day off work to assist and now i cannot log in and there's no one to help

Returning Member

same for me to0.  i know i am registered but getting message that i am not?  i have tried different browsers and same issue.

Returning Member

Same for me...not very happy right now.....

New Member

Glad to know I'm not the only one.  Hope the software works better than this. 

Community Manager

Thank you so much IntuitGabi 😊 I was not able to login to the conference either, until you posted the link shown above!

Mary Ann3
Level 2

So it appears that this is not a live webinar but is prerecorded from November?  Why then could we not just watch this at our leisure?

This is ridiculous to make a such a big deal out of something that is prerecorded.  How sad.

Level 1

It keeps saying noy registered but when I register it says I have already registered   This is crazy

Level 1

Same problem keeps saying not registered but when I register it says I have already registered!   I have never had this problem with a intuit event before  Totally Frustrated