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Level 1

First time with this...tipped employee did not have enough in base wages to pay part of the FICA tax on tips.  How do I set this up in EasyAcct to attempt collection from future wages?

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3 Comments 3
Level 1

Anybody? Just want to make sure I did this correctly.

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Level 3

I don't think you have it set up correctly, this shouldn't be an issue. FICA is calculated on what the total earnings were and goes from there. The code should be RTP for Tip's received and BTP for Base Pay and Overtime. Allocated Tips should have 8 as the code in the box. I'm not sure this helped but thought I'd reach out. 

0 Cheers
Level 15

I think you're asking about Employee Advance or Loan repayment (basically, wage garnishment, but inhouse), because this will have been paid by the employer and repaid from post-tax funds. I don't use EasyACCT, but maybe that helps.

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