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Convert Company Data Issue

Level 1

When I open a company file, I get a notice saying " Unable to convert company to the 2024/2025 EasyACCT version. Please use the EasyACCT DOS version to perform this function as the data files are interchangeable." Other company files are normal. My version is already in 2024/2025. Only this particular file is having issue. 

Does anyone know how to fix it? thank you so much

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2 Comments 2
Level 3

Following - I had the same issue happen to one company this morning.

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Level 5

This seems to be happening to MANY of us.  It's happened at least 4 times to us in the last week.

I called EASY ACCT tech support and they told me the way to remedy is it restore your most recent previous backup version.  That will entail either restoring a backup you did yourself or using the automated Backup file the system did when you first opened the company file after installing the new program update for this year.

I have yet to get an answer why this keeps happening to so many of us.  I will say we do use a server computer station for our company files, but this has never happened until this past week, so I'm not sure what has changed... other than the fact it's accessing company files after the new update.

So - remember to do your backups!!