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Adding another state

Level 3

We have a client who recently started payroll in TX and we've never had payroll in Texas before so we don't have the state updates loaded into the system.  I know when there is a program update you can choose the states you wish to load, but since my program is updated to current it won't let me run a new update to get to where I could choose to get Texas forms.

Does anyone know how I can get those downloaded, or do I just have to wait til there is a new update?

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Level 5

Do you have the CD that you could uninstall and reinstall the program and then go through the updates?  As far as the SUTA goes (I'm assuming that's what you're talking about since Texas doesn't have state withholding tax), you can manually enter the information when you login to your account online.  So, that is also a possibility to get you through this quarter.  



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