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All jmrcpa's Badges

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All jmrcpa's Badges

jmrcpa has earned 8 badges!
  • Read 5 Posts
    Read 5 Posts
    Earned by 62,935
    Happy browsing! You've read 5 posts.
  • Conversation Starter
    Conversation Starter
    Earned by 29,876
    Hats off for posting your first topic to the community!
  • Cheers
    Earned by 9,622
    Sure is nice to be loved. First cheer received for posting helpful content.
  • 5 Cheers
    5 Cheers
    Earned by 2,099
    Keep up the great work. 5 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 10 Cheers
    10 Cheers
    Earned by 960
    You're on a roll. 10 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 20 Cheers
    20 Cheers
    Earned by 460
    You are good at this. 20 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 50 Cheers
    50 Cheers
    Earned by 195
    Wow! 50 cheers received for posting helpful content.
  • 100 Cheers
    100 Cheers
    Earned by 114
    This community truly loves you. 100 cheers received. You have helped so many with your contributions.