I've been preparing this clients taxes for the last 6 years. He lives in PA but works in NY. This year he received his W2 with NY state and PA wages in box 16. ... read more
Federal Form 8879-CORP is final, but the instructions are still in draft. If you file the return, there is the potential that calculations could change, and tha... read more
I have a partnership that owns condo's in FL that were damaged by Hurricane Helene and Milton hence they had to pay out of pocket expenses to a contractor and s... read more
In the Forms view, the client letter states that the spouse's HSA deductible contribution is $1326. But then goes on to say that $1325 [not $1326!] must be depo... read more
All of my clients, before now, have had a few stock sales which I inputted into Schedule D / Form 8949. This client has 3 brokerage statements, each with many s... read more
The organizers are printing to PDF with the Client No, and searching through all these PDF's is not efficient at all.....I email my clients their PDF and search... read more
Yes, this is a good one. She is not the smartest. She had one of those pop ups telling her her computer was hacked...long story short they convinced her to drai... read more
In an article about mistakes in financial statements of public companies, Bloomberg reports: While it’s unclear what exactly led to the mistakes in each of thes... read more
I've been having my Pro Series Basic software crash all the time. It takes forever to open, then at best I can work on one return. Once I close that client's fi... read more
Schedule K By Activity Supplemental Information.Schedule K Distributive Share Items don't add across for Rental Real Estate, Interest Income,Section 1231 Gain &... read more
I received EFIN number from IRS. Documents submitted online and approved by intuit. Software still has old EFIN number. How do I get correct EFIN number to upda... read more
I e-filed a return and received a rejected notice that file did not exist. I redid the return and not it will not let me efile due to duplicate ssn. How can I d... read more
Has anyone succeeded in getting a direct 1099-B download from Interactive Brokers.I am fairly sure I have to begin with IB's Reports/Configure Third-Party Servi... read more