I have a client that received a CP 89 Notice for tax year 2020 showing the same negative beginning and ending balance for period 09/11/2023 to 11/09/2024. The s... read more
In the Forms view, the client letter states that the spouse's HSA deductible contribution is $1326. But then goes on to say that $1325 [not $1326!] must be depo... read more
I e-filed a return and received a rejected notice that file did not exist. I redid the return and not it will not let me efile due to duplicate ssn. How can I d... read more
Federal Form 8879-CORP is final, but the instructions are still in draft. If you file the return, there is the potential that calculations could change, and tha... read more
Hi to all.Maybe this is a question that many of you have, and I am one of them.The clients do not know exactly how many miles they have driven for deliveries wi... read more
The following diagnostic is generating: Alabama requires a valid entry in "Federal ID Number" when the return is prepared by a Firm for electronic filing #13921... read more
When e-filing a Md non-resident, does pro series automatically include all necessary docs (i.e., state of residence return {PA in this case} and federal if requ... read more
I've been having my Pro Series Basic software crash all the time. It takes forever to open, then at best I can work on one return. Once I close that client's fi... read more
I have a rejected return - social security number or birth year.Help says to "Review the 'Description' field. There will be a number in brackets that indicates ... read more
I was wrapping up the Form 1065, but one thing is bothering me. In the K-1, the partner's ownership percentage supposed to show the format of xx.xxxxxx in a for... read more
I have a client that received a W-2 form from Puerto Rico and I'm having trouble figuring out how to include it on the tax return. The form is 499R-2 / W-2PR.
Hello,,Yesterday I needed an organizer and needed to replenish my account (ProSeries) to print. It popped up a windows with a spiel about an improved experience... read more