Not that our clients would have anything to worry about, anyway. But I think of the kitchen-table preparers who don't have a PTIN and don't sign their returns. ... read more
When I "Email (PDF)" a tax return to a client, it loads up on my email platform, but when I send it, it disappears. Not working. I can print to a PDF, and then ... read more
Can non-resident alien (who files 1040-NR) deduct property taxes on schedule A? (itemized deduction)The taxpayer is a non-resident alien but he has a property i... read more
The K-220 is the same form as the K-220S. You have the K-220 with Kansas C-Corp but don't have the K-220S with Kansas S-Corp. I have to manually figure the pena... read more
Where is form 7217? Apparently no one told ProConnect that they were going to have to add a new form this year to the form 1065... read more
Hi, client has one rental property and created an LLC with address of the property, but the property itself is under his personal name. LLC is in CA and will ne... read more
Taxpayer worked all of 2024. He and his wife both had income. He was incarcerated after the first of 2025. Can they E-file? How do I obtain his signature?
I am preparing sch. D for a nonprofit.On Part II it asks for gross receipts for fundraising events on line 1. Line 2 asks for contributions. So if my nonprofit ... read more
Has anyone received an error ref 56636 concerning California PTE?A California Passthrough Entity Elective Tax has been computed for some of the partners and a t... read more
Is Kansas form K-220S going to be included in an update? This is the Kansas Underpayment of Estimated Tax (PARTNERSHIP OR S CORPORATION SALT PARITY TAX) form.
Good evening.How do I input a return for a military couple that has two different home of records? For example, my taxpayer has Nebraska as his home of record a... read more
I have an out-of-state client who must file by mail because he doesn't know his IP PIN and whose IRS user account is locked. So, how to I best get him to get a ... read more
Hello all. I hope your tax season is off to a good start.I have a client with a number of US Treasury Note redemptions reported on 1099-B with Accrued Market Di... read more