40 year old passed away in 2018 with a 401(k) that is mother is a named beneficiary. She did not reach out to take ownership of the assets until 2024, nor did s... read more
If you know why the S Corp K-1, Box 12 code S Short Term Loss from Form 4684 does not export to the 1040, please share. Thank you! In any case I will enter it m... read more
S Corp with multiple shareholders. 1 shareholder contributed personal assets, no others did. In the following year, some of the assets were stolen. Is there a t... read more
The IRS will be shutting down the Individual Form 1040 e-file servers for annual maintenance Saturday November 30. Lacerte will continue to accept these transmi... read more
Can someone give me assistance with making estimated tax payments in ProSeries? Currently, we had set up 2024 NYS and/or NYC estimated tax deposits. Keep in min... read more
The IRS will be shutting down the FIRE system which impacts Form 8955-SSA transmissions, for annual MeF maintenance and will not come back online until January.... read more
Can you re-arrange assets on the same schedule without deleting them/copy and pasting them in?For example if I want item 20 to be brought up to item 3, within t... read more