I am not an expert in estate returns. This one to me seems a tad tricky to me when it comes to the correct #'s to use because of multiple owners and dates.The s... read more
I am working on a return that has crypto transactions, individually entered on "Quick Entry: Dispositions (Schedule D, 4797, etc.)" which fill in form 8949 corr... read more
Please add a way to input UN Statement of Taxable Earnings into line 1 of 1040, I used to do that on Drake previously. And the wages automatically flow to 1040 ... read more
Client has declined compliant health insurance from employer and purchased health insurance instead through the marketplace and received form 1095-A. Therefore ... read more
I received the following State Agency Tax rejection comment: The Primary Taxpayer (SSN) cannot match a previously accepted return unless the (Superseded Return)... read more
It seems that CT pass-through entity returns will not be available until March 18th? The returns are due March 15th. Never mind then engagements piling up alrea... read more
Why does proseries basic not allow ohio school district income tax returns form SD100 to be efiled? The Information Worksheet does not allow the file electronic... read more
If a taxpayer has a 1098-T and box 5 is larger or equal to box 1 do you just not enter anything into Lacerte? If the taxpayer did not pay anything out of pocket... read more
Am I required to print the SSN's of the partners on their K-1's in a partnership or should I be able to mask the SSN.Obviously it makes sense to show the SSN's ... read more
Anyone else dealt with this rejection code? I have an issue with the software stating that the designated partner's phone number is not valid or incorrect (well... read more
Completing a 2024 tax return and under Schedule A - taxes - state income taxes, the line that says paid with 2023 state return is already prepopulated with an a... read more
When I enter the description of property under Donated Property Information, it only prints one line on the form. There is plenty of space to "wrap" the descrip... read more