If a taxpayer builds a home as a side business, how is that entered into ProConnect?Taxpayer has a W-2 job unrelated to construction. A majority of their income... read more
Hi to all.Maybe this is a question that many of you have, and I am one of them.The clients do not know exactly how many miles they have driven for deliveries wi... read more
Hi, I'm new to the community and to the software. I have a new client that is using this software (Lasarte Tax) but he is paying for a poor hosting in the cloud... read more
Partnership with two 25% owners and one 50% owner. Ten year rental holding is only asset in the partnership. 50% owner sells entire interest to both 25% owners ... read more
I'm working on a tax return for a client who has an NOL carryover. The Carryover Worksheet, line 14 has the amount carried over but shows an error. The error me... read more
The following diagnostic is generating: Alabama requires a valid entry in "Federal ID Number" when the return is prepared by a Firm for electronic filing #13921... read more
System just updated to Windows 11. Keeping my fingers crossed that there are no compatibility issues. So far, so good.I did receive this message through and I'm... read more
I have been waiting since January 17 for my Colorado returns to be transmitted. I have spent hours on the telephone with Intuit and I keep getting put off sayi... read more
Hello,Trying not to panic here, but all of my clients have disappeared from Intuit Link AND I can't find a customer service number to call for tech support. Whe... read more
a) Both Spouses have 'family coverage' for different months throughout the year. Neither of them has coverage in the same month, or for December. The first is c... read more
Hi, I have a client whose property consists of a main unit and an ADU unit (previously a garage). It's rented to different long-term renters. In June, he moved ... read more
client Intuit Link with requested forms information needed and their link is just showing to send ingo via QuickBooks. How do they just send the forms requested... read more