I have a client who lives on 40 acres. He does some farming on it. There is a "Swell" in the land which was eroding over the past 4 years. He said it was previo... read more
It seems that CT pass-through entity returns will not be available until March 18th? The returns are due March 15th. Never mind then engagements piling up alrea... read more
Entered W-2 for client in 2024. Client is a NH resident and worked in NH. As you all know NH has no personal income tax. However, I have an error on the for, wh... read more
I have a couple that is wanting to file separately but they have a joint 1095A form. Can you file this on just one or do you have to separate the amounts betwee... read more
Does ProConnect calculate the Qualified Health Insurance Premiums deduction? The only way I can get a deduction to appear on the return is to use the Qualified ... read more
I printed out a return on my office computer. showed a balance of $ 3,911 due to client.. all was fine.. I backed up all returns today at end of day.. I came ho... read more
Does anyone know a way to enter a distribution from a foreign pension plan into ProSeries, report the amount properly on Line 5 of the Form 1040 as per the Inst... read more
HI everyone,Now I realize that I am missing a few clients from last year that didn't transfer correctly.Does anyone have a customer support phone number handy?T... read more
For 2024, the "2024 Gift Tax Return" (Form 709) requires a "Notice of Consent" signed by the consenting spouse. However, the 709 program has no such form. It wo... read more
Hi,Client buys and sells items on ebay. Should COGS be calculated per an inventory method (average price, specific cost etc), or can he claim all he purchased e... read more
Latest Update: Version 45.0213Check out modules below to see what updates have been released in this version of your software. (e.g., recent changes, feature en... read more
I live in Germany. For Billing address I select Country as other however state... will not let me continue... Germany nor region nor if I select Illinois will i... read more