Tax Law and News Opportunity Zone investments offer potential tax savings Read the Article Open Share Drawer Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Written by Lisa Brann, CPA, CGMA Modified Jan 27, 2021 3 min read Opportunity Zones were created under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to stimulate economic development and job creation by incentivizing long-term investments in low-income neighborhoods. States nominate blocks of low-income areas by census tract, which are then certified by the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury via his or her delegation of authority to the IRS. Through the IRS, investors can file Form 8996, Qualified Opportunity Fund, to create vehicles structured as either a partnership or corporation for the purpose of investing in an Opportunity Zone census track, whether in real estate or directly in businesses through equity. The fund is required to hold at least 90 percent of its assets in that qualifying Opportunity Zone area. The Qualified Opportunity Fund must bring property new to the entity to be used in the Opportunity Zone. In addition, the Qualified Opportunity Fund must make substantial improvements to the property equal to the investment over a 30-month period (39 months if the substantial improvement period began prior to April 1, 2020 (Notice 2020-39). Businesses prohibited for Opportunity Zone investments include golf courses, country clubs, massage parlors, hot tub facilities, suntan facilities, racetracks or other facilities used for gambling, and liquor stores. There are designated Qualified Opportunity Zones located in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and five United States territories. Over the past three years, Qualified Opportunity funds have raised $75 billion, which has been a direct investment into the most underserved areas in our country. An Opportunity Zone Fund investment provides potential tax savings in three ways: #1: Tax Deferral through 2026. A taxpayer may defer the tax on a capital gain when investing in a Qualified Opportunity Fund if they comply with the investing timeframe restrictions. The taxpayer has 180 days to invest but Notice 2020-39 extended the investment deadline to Dec. 31, 2020 if the 180th day to invest would have fallen on or after April 1, 2020, and before Dec. 31, 2020. #2: Step up in tax basis of deferred gains. The “5-year, 10% basis increase” is still available for taxpayers through Dec. 31, 2021. Example: In July 2021, a taxpayer sells a zero-basis business for $5 million, which triggers a $5 million capital gain. The taxpayer invests the entire amount in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund within the timeframe restrictions, resulting in no tax on the sale proceeds in 2021. On Nov. 1, 2026, the taxpayer receives a 10% adjustment to their cost basis in the Qualified Opportunity Zone investment amounting to $500,000. On Dec. 31, 2026, the taxpayer must recognize the deferred gain on the sale of the investment, and their cost basis for determining the total gain is $500,000. Assuming the overall value of the Quality Opportunity Zone investment has not decreased, then the taxpayer will pay the capital gain on $4.5 million ($5 million 2021 gain, reduced by the 5-year 10% basis adjustment of $500,000) and the taxpayer must reflect that gain on their 2026 federal income tax return to be filed in 2027. #3: No tax on appreciation. If a taxpayer stays in the Qualified Opportunity Fund for at least 10 years the cost basis of the property will equal the fair market value on the date of sale/exchange. Example: In 2021, a taxpayer makes a $5 million investment in a Qualified Opportunity Zone Fund. In 2035, the taxpayer sells the investment for $10 million. The $5 million in appreciation is not taxable. At current federal capital gains rates, that is a tax saving of over $1 million. The taxpayer will, however, have phantom income (taxable income without corresponding sale) on the original $5 million investment in 2027 for the 2026 tax year, since the investment in the fund was held beyond Dec. 31, 2026, when the deferred gain on the original investment must be recognized. The capital gains tax rate in 2026 is unclear. It is possible President-elect Biden will raise the rates to 39.6%, plus the 3.8% Obamacare tax. The year 2026 occurs after the 2024 presidential election, which may result in another change in administration and possible tax rate changes. It is clear, however, that billions of dollars of deferred capital gains may be recognized in 2026. Previous Post Business Meals Deduction for 2020: 100% Fully Deductible Meals Next Post The case of the extra paycheck Written by Lisa Brann, CPA, CGMA Lisa Brann, CPA, CGMA, brings more 30 years of accounting experience to provide businesses with professional, personalized services that meet her clients' needs. With a comprehensive list of services and solutions that include tax, accounting, bookkeeping, financial reporting, QuickBooks services, and more, Lisa is committed to seeing an organization succeed. Lisa is a member of the Intuit Writer/Trainer network and teaches fitness classes at her local gym. More from Lisa Brann, CPA, CGMA 4 responses to “Opportunity Zone investments offer potential tax savings” Does Turbotax 2020 support reporting of tax deferral resulting from opportunity zone investments? (Turbotax 2019 did not) Hi John – Thanks for your question; Form 8997 will not be supported in TurboTax 2020. This is really disappointing. Are there plans to add support in the future? Hi Ian – at this time, we do not know. Thanks. Browse Related Articles Tax Law and News Tax Reform and Qualified Opportunity Zones Tax Law and News Due Diligence Requirements Will Apply to the Child Tax Credit and American Opportunity Education Credit Tax Law and News Renewed work opportunity tax credit can help employers hire workers Tax Law and News Congress Extends Many Expired Tax Breaks Tax Law and News Common IRS red flags Tax Law and News IRS tool helps low-income families register for monthly Child Tax Credit payments Tax Law and News Child Tax Credit expanded for tax year 2021 Tax Law and News November 2017 Tax and Compliance Deadlines Tax Law and News Energy projects for low-income communities Tax Law and News IRS announces tax year 2023 changes to the standard deduction, EITC, and more
Does Turbotax 2020 support reporting of tax deferral resulting from opportunity zone investments? (Turbotax 2019 did not)