Charity Vertical

IRS revises Form 8940 for mandatory e-file

Foreign Taxes Vertical

Reporting foreign income and filing expat returns

Home Office Vertical

How S Corporation clients can use an accountable plan to deduct home office expenses

Cloud Accountant Vertical

3 reasons to adopt the cloud

Intuit Best Places

Intuit #14 on Fortune’s Best Companies list

Marketing Advisory Vertical

7 tips for marketing advisory to your clients

Fraud Vertical

Watch out for schemes aimed at high-income filers

Wellness Vertical

IRS rules on nutrition, wellness, and health expenses

Advisory Part 2 Vertical

Guide to increasing revenue with advisory, Part 2

Planning with team

Professional services: QBI deduction (SSTB)

Working remotely vertical

Working remotely? Hosting offers always-on access

Reader Survey Vertical

Intuit® Tax Pro Center content survey