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Error 6 Installing an internet update

by Intuit Updated 3 months ago

Solution 1: Run the update as Administrator.

  1. Close the program.
  2. Right-click on the program icon for EasyACCT or the Information Return System. 
  3. Select Run as Administrator.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Return to the program and attempt the Internet Update again.
  6. If you receive the same error continue with the next solution.

Solution 2: Update in Safemode

  1. Close the program.
  2. Deactivate the Windows Defender from the Control Panel. See Turn Microsoft Defender Firewall on or off for more information.
  3. Reboot into Safe mode
  4. Open the program again to download the update.
  5. Reactivate the firewall.
  6. Repeat step 3 and uncheck Safeboot and Network.
  7. If you receive the same error continue with the next solution.

Solution 3: Configure Firewall to allow Access 

  1. Make an exception in the AntiVirus program to allow the EPSW.FTP folder.
  2. Configure the AntiVirus Software to allow the following URL:
  3. Reboot.
  4. Try the Internet Update from the Company Selection screen (not from within an open company file).
Intuit EasyACCT

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