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Using Batch Extensions in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 8 months ago

The Batch Actions drop-down menu is a new feature in ProConnect Tax. It can be accessed in the top-right corner of the PCG--UI_PTO_navbar-tax-tax-returns.png screen and can be used to file up to ten returns for extensions at one time.

Under the Extensions section of the drop-down menu there are two options. One is Batch Extension Filing, and the other is Batch Extension History.

Batch Extension Filing

709 gift returns, as well as locked and restricted returns, are unavailable for batch filing.

By clicking on the Batch Extension Filing option of the drop-down menu, ProConnect Tax will automatically pull up all eligible returns available for extension filing in the user's account.

On this screen, returns can be filtered by client name, return name, and return type. You can also locate specific returns by searching in the Search box and filter by return status. These options are located above the list of returns.

Once you have returns filtered and selected, you can click the blue Continue box at the bottom of the screen to move to the next step.

The new screen displays information regarding the selected returns for your review. If there are any issues, such as outstanding diagnostics preventing the extension from being filed, this screen will let you know. It also breaks down user credits and refunds. You can see which of the selected returns are covered by credits and how much is owed on the returns not covered.

Batch Extension History

This section of the drop-down menu can be accessed once batch extensions have been filed, and simply displays previous history of batch filings.

By visiting the Batch Extension History screen, you will be able to find out whether or not your recent batch extension filing went through or not.

ProConnect Tax

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