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Create and export client reports in ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 5 months ago

This article will help you download tax return data you e-filed to identify clients who meet various criteria and create robust reports.

To download return data:

  1. Press Reporting on the left-side menu of ProConnect.
    ProConnect Reporting PCG_EXT_EN_US_10112022.png
  2. Select Download 1040 data.

We recommend you password protect this file on your computer, since it contains client data.

Only your firm's primary administrator can download the data.

What return data can I download?

Currently, we produce a .CSV download that includes info from federal returns that:

  • Were e-filed through your account,
  • Are Form 1040s, 1120, 1120s, 1065, 1041, and 990 for tax year 2023, 1040 for tax year 2022 and
  • Are the most recent e-file submission for a given client. For example, if your first return for a client got rejected, but you successfully resubmitted an e-file, we'll only show data from the accepted return.

Form 1040

  • Adjusted gross income
  • IRA deduction
  • Long-term capital gains
  • Short-term capital gains
  • Capital gains distribution
  • Other gains
  • Net operating loss
  • Child tax credit
  • Earned income credit
  • Child and dependent care credit
  • Refundable child and dependent care credit
  • Recovery rebate credit
  • Qualified business income deduction
  • Total itemized deductions
  • Total itemized or standard deduction
  • Health savings account deduction
  • Number of qualifying children
  • Number of other dependents
  • Dependent last name
  • Dependent first name
  • Total tax
  • Has a certificate of deposit
  • Refund
  • Taxes owed
  • Alternative minimum tax
  • Total amount withheld
  • Single
  • Married filing jointly
  • Married filing separately
  • Head of household
  • Qualified Surviving Spouse (Qualifying widow(er) with dependent child in prior years)
  • Wages, salaries and tips
  • Business income loss
  • Unemployment compensation
  • Supplemental total income or loss
  • Income or loss from partnerships and S corporations
  • Income or loss from rentals and real estate
  • Exempt interest
  • Taxable interest
  • Qualified dividends
  • Ordinary dividends
  • IRA distributions
  • Taxable IRA distribution
  • Social Security benefits
  • Taxable social security benefits
  • State and local refund
  • Alimony received
  • Other income
  • Taxable income
  • Has Schedule C
  • Has Schedule E
  • Spouse occupation
  • Taxpayer occupation
  • Taxpayer mobile phone number
  • Taxpayer phone number
  • Taxpayer email address
  • City
  • Zip code
  • State
  • Foreign ZIP code
  • Foreign country
  • Foreign province/state/country
  • Street address
  • Taxpayer name

Form 1065

  • Business name
  • Business activity code
  • Beginning of tax year
  • Preparer
  • Partnership representative
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP code
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Number of K-1s
  • Foreign partnership
  • Domestic general partnership
  • Domestic limited partnership
  • Domestic limited liability company
  • Domestic limited liability partnership
  • Other entity
  • Has 8825
  • Depreciation
  • Total deductions
  • Gross receipts less returns
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Gross profit
  • Total income (loss)
  • Amended
  • Total balance due
  • Overpayment
  • Taxes owed
  • Payments
  • Net rental real estate income
  • Ordinary business income (loss)
  • Net earnings from self-employment
  • Beginning assets
  • Beginning liabilities and capital
  • Ending assets
  • Ending liabilities and capital
  • Partners' beginning capital
  • Cash contributions
  • Property contributions
  • Cash distributions
  • Property distributions
  • Partners' ending capital
  • Guaranteed payments to partners

Form 1120S

  • Business information (Company name)
  • Business activity code
  • Start of Tax Year
  • Preparer
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Signing Officer
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Number of Shareholders
  • Has 8825 (Y/N)
  • Amended
  • Extension amount
  • Gross receipts less returns/allowance
  • Gross Profit
  • Cost of goods sold
  • Total income (loss)
  • Compensation of officers
  • Depreciation
  • Pension, profit-sharing, etc. plans
  • Total deductions
  • Ordinary business income (loss)
  • Overpayment
  • Payments
  • Balance Due
  • Refund
  • Charitable contributions
  • Net rental real estate income (loss)
  • Nondeductible expenses
  • Repayment of loans from shareholders
  • Income (loss) reconciliation
  • Beginning Assets
  • Beginning Liabilities & Equity
  • Ending Assets
  • Ending Liabilities & Equity
  • Net operating loss
  • AMT Tax
  • Federal income tax withheld
  • Net operating loss

Form 1120

  • Business name
  • Business activity code
  • Beginning of tax year
  • Preparer
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP code
  • Signing officer
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Amended
  • Amount paid with extension
  • Gross receipts less returns/allowance
  • Gross profit
  • Gross rent
  • Officer compensation
  • Charitable contributions
  • Depreciation
  • Total deductions
  • NOL deduction
  • Taxable income
  • Total tax
  • Payments and credits
  • Refund or amount due
  • Tax due
  • Beginning assets
  • Ending assets
  • Beginning liabilities & equity
  • Ending liabilities & equity

Form 1041

  • Entity Name
  • Fiduciary Name
  • Start of Tax Year
  • Preparer
  • Street Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Primary contact
  • Phone Number
  • Email address
  • Number of Benefactors
  • Decedent's estate
  • Simple Trust
  • Complex Trust
  • Qualified disability trust
  • ESBT (S portion only)
  • Pooled income fund
  • Amended
  • Taxable Interest Income
  • Total Ordinary Dividend Income
  • Business income
  • Capital gain or (loss)
  • Rents, royalties, partnerships, other estates and trusts, etc.
  • Total income
  • Interest
  • Taxes
  • Fiduciary fees
  • Charitable deduction
  • Net operating loss deduction
  • Adjusted total income
  • Income distribution deduction
  • Qualified business income deduction
  • Exemption
  • Total Deductions
  • Taxable income
  • Total Tax
  • Total Payments
  • Tax Due
  • Overpayment
  • Refunded
  • Total credits
  • Distributable net income

Form 990

  • Business name
  • Beginning of tax year
  • Preparer
  • Street address
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP code
  • Primary contact
  • Phone number
  • Type of return
  • Amended
  • 990 - Total revenue
  • 990 - Salaries, other compen., emp. benefits
  • 990 - Total expenses
  • 990 - Revenue less expenses
  • 990 - Total assets at end of year
  • 990 - Total liabilities at end of year
  • 990 - Net assets/fund bal. at end of year
  • 990 - Net unrelated business taxable income
  • 990-EZ - Contributions, gifts, and grants
  • 990-EZ - Investment income
  • 990-EZ - Total revenue
  • 990-EZ - Salaries and employee benefits
  • 990-EZ - Total expenses
  • 990-EZ - Excess or (deficit) for the year
  • 990-EZ - Net assets/fund bal. at beg. of year
  • 990-EZ - Net assets/fund bal. at end of year
  • 990-PF - Section 501(c)(3) exempt
  • 990-PF - Section 4947(a)(1)
  • 990-PF - Other taxable private foundation
  • 990-PF - Overpayment credited from prior year
  • 990-PF - Estimated tax payments
  • 990-PF - Total payments and credits
  • 990-PF - Tax due
  • 990-PF - Net assets/fund bal. at beg. of year
  • 990-PF - Excess of revenue over expenses
  • 990-PF - Net assets/fund bal. at end of year
  • 990-PF Per books - Dividends & interest from securities
  • 990-PF Per books - Gross rents
  • 990-PF Per books - Net gain (loss) for noninv. assets/disp
  • 990-PF Per books - Total revenue
  • 990-PF Per books - Interest
  • 990-PF Per books - Taxes
  • 990-PF Per books - Depreciation
  • 990-PF Per books - Total operating/administrative exp
  • 990-PF Per books - Contributions, gifts, grants paid
  • 990-PF Per books - Total expenses
  • 990-PF Net - Dividends & interest from securities
  • 990-PF Net - Gross rents
  • 990-PF Net - Capital gain net income
  • 990-PF Net - Total revenue
  • 990-PF Net - Compensation of officers, dir, etc
  • 990-PF Net - Interest
  • 990-PF Net - Taxes
  • 990-PF Net - Depreciation
  • 990-PF Net - Total operating/administrative exp
  • 990-PF Net - Total expenses
  • 990-PF Net - Net investment income
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Total revenue
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Interest
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Taxes
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Depreciation
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Total operating/administrative exp
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Total expenses
  • 990-PF Adjusted net - Adjusted net income
  • 990-PF Charitable - Compensation of officers, dir, etc
  • 990-PF Charitable - Contributions, gifts, grants paid
  • 990-PF Charitable - Total expenses and disbursements

Have a great idea for a report?

We need your feedback to learn what functionality, data points, or pre-made reports would be most helpful for you to run your practice. To let us know what you'd like to see:

  1. Press Reporting on the left-side menu of ProConnect.
  2. Select the Feedback link at the top right of the page.
ProConnect Tax

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