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Resolving errors importing an e-organizer in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 7 months ago

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When the E-Organizer is only partially imported, it will reopen each time the client file is opened

The only way to stop the E-Organizer from reopening each time the client file is opened, is to reject the information that is not going to be imported into the return. 1. Highlight each individual screen  2. Click on the “Reject Screen” button at the top of the E-Organizer import window.  

Or click the “Reject All Screens” button at the bottom of the window to reject all screens that have not been accepted. 

This will not effect information that has already been imported.

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E-access violation in module dbrtl60.bpl when importing Client Information from a E-Organizer file in Lacerte

This error occurs when clicking the Close button on the Client Information Import screen after accepting all screens. Lacerte then locks up and the only way to close out is to End Task.

To resolve this issue, first open the client's tax return in Lacerte and process the return by clicking the Forms tab. Process the tax return before trying to import the E-Organizer. After processing the return try to import the E-Organizer once again. This should resolve the issue.

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When clicking on the .odX E-Organizer file, the proper year of Lacerte opens, but it does not trigger the E-Organizer data import

The first thing to test when encountering this problem is to see if Lacerte will import E-Organizer information if you start the process from inside of the program. Save the .odX file onto your computer, then open the corresponding year of the Lacerte program.

  1. From the Tools menu, select Import E-Organizer.
  2. Browse to where you saved the .odX file.
  3. Select OK.

If the import process does not begin, you most likely have a bad installation of the Lacerte program, and it needs to be reinstalled. See how to perform a clean install for instructions.

If the import process does begin, then that means there is a problem with the file associations for the .odX file. The association will need to be removed through the registry.

This requires modification of the Windows Registry. Serious problems may occur if the registry is modified incorrectly. Intuit strongly recommends having an IT professional make these changes if you are not comfortable with editing the registry. It's also strongly recommended to make a backup of the registry before proceeding. See here for further instruction.

  1. Click on the Start button.
  2. In the text field, type in regedit and press enter.
  3. Locate the registry folder: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.odX
  4. Right click on the .odX registry folder.
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Locate the registry folder: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.odX
  7. Right-click on the .odX registry folder.
  8. Select Delete.

Once this is done, you need to run the TaxSetup to re-register the .odX extension.

  1. If you use Lacerte as a standalone:
    1. Browse to C:\Lacerte\YYtax where YY is the year impacted.
    2. Go to the SetupYY folder.
    1. Double click on the TaxSetup file (it is normally located at the bottom of the Setup folder).
    2. Click Install.
  2. If you use Lacerte on a network:
    1. Launch the Lacerte program.
    2. Press the F10 key on your keyboard.
    3. In the Windows that opens, write down your System File Path. If no window opens, click on Settings  System File Path  Change.
    4. Browse to the System File Path.
    5. Go into the SetupYYfolder.
    6. Double click on the TaxSetup file (it is normally located at the bottom of the Setup folder).

Once this is done, you should be able to import the E-Organizer data successfully.

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"An error has occurred in the Lacerte Tax program" when opening a client that has an E-Organizer

When trying to open a client or access the detail information, the following error message appears:

  • An error has occurred in the Lacerte Tax program.

If you select the click here for more information or view the F10 error log, the error provided is:

  • Not able to open E-Organizer data. The firm number attached to this E-organizer data does not match your firm number.

This will occur due to the E-Organizer data being secured and associated with a specific firm. The issue can be resolved by removing the e-organizer file and replacing it. This will not impact the data currently in the return.

To replace the E-Organizer file:

  1. Close the error message.
  2. Within Lacerte, press F10 on the keyboard to open the Tech Support Info window.
  3. Under the System Information tab, take note of the Data Path.
  4. Close Lacerte
  5. Navigate to the Data path directory
  6. Open the Notes Folder.
  7. Locate the Organizer file for the client.
    • If the Client Number is 1234 then the Organizer file would be 1234.od3 for a 2023 client
  8. Rename the file by changing the .od3 extension to .old
  9. Select File -> New -> Text Document
  10. Name this text document the Client Number and replace the .txt extension with .od3
    • If you renamed 1234.od3 to 1234.old, then the new text fille will be renamed to 1234.od3
  11. Open Lacerte and attempt to open the client file.
    • The E-Organizer screen may open, choose Reject All Screens and close it.
    • This will prevent the information in the client from changing.

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Lacerte Tax

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