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Importing an E-Organizer Returned From the Taxpayer in Lacerte

by Intuit Updated 4 weeks ago

Before you start:

  • When the taxpayer e-mails the return back, you'll receive an email from Tax Organizer Administrator [].
  • If you're not receiving e-organizers from clients, make sure the 'preparer's email address' is correct and check your junk mail folder.

For more information on how to send an e-organizer in Lacerte, see here.

Table of contents:

Importing the E-Organizer data:

  1. Double-click the E-Organizer attached to the email and then select Open.
    • The client you are importing the E-Organizer for must already exist in the current tax year of Lacerte Individual module for the import to be successful. If the client doesn't exist in current tax year of Lacerte, proforma the client from the prior year of Lacerte.
  2. Double-clicking the attachment should launch the Lacerte with the clients e-organizer data displayed on the screen. If Lacerte doesn't open, follow the steps in the Save the E-Organizer your hard drive and then import section below.
  3. Review the taxpayer data. Any changes made by the taxpayer will appear in red.
  4. To accept the taxpayers inputs, select Accept Screen. To reject the changes, select Reject Screen.
    • Using the Accept/Reject Screen buttons at the top of the window will only apply to the screen currently being viewed.
    • To accept all screens or reject all screen at once, click Accept/Reject All Screen buttons at the bottom of the window.
  5. If you want a hard copy of the data, select Print or select Close to close the e-organizer window.
  6. Go into the input screens you imported data and verify that the data is correct.

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Saving the E-Organizer to your hard-drive and then import:

  1. Create a folder on your local C: drive called TYYY EOrgs. (YY = tax year) Example: C:\TY20
  2. Open the returning E-Organizer email that was sent from from the taxpayer.
  3. Double-click the attached E-Organizer document.
  4. Select Save to save the e-organizer to C:\TYYY EOrgs.
  5. Open the Lacerte Tax program to import into, usually this will be the current tax year.
  6. Under Tools, select Import E-Organizer.
  7. Select Browse to browse to the C:\TYYY EOrgs folder.
  8. From the File menu, select Open.
  9. Select OK.
    • The client that you are importing the E-Organizer for must already exist in the current year program to import the E-Organizer. The program will automatically open the client and the E-Organizer window will display on the screen. Any changes made by the taxpayer will appear in red.
  10. To accept the taxpayers inputs, select Accept Screen.  To reject the changes, select Reject Screen.
    • Using the Accept/Reject Screen buttons at the top of the window will only apply to the screen currently being viewed. To accept all screens or reject all screen at once, select Accept/Reject All Screen buttons at the bottom of the window.
  11. After importing the data, close the E-Organizer window.
  12. Go into the input screens that you imported data for and verify the data is correct.

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When information is imported from the E-organizer, it doesn't automatically import into the Table Editor. 

Information from the e-organizer won't import into the Table Editor. You will need to manually enter the information.

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Preview e-organizer before importing data into Lacerte

You can preview all data prior to importing. However, this preview is done within the Lacerte program. Once the import process has begun (by double-clicking the email file attached to the email) the e-organizer is displayed on the Lacerte screen. You are given the option at the top of the e-organizer screen to Accept Screen or Reject Screen. You can alternatively use the buttons located at the bottom of the e-organizer screen to Accept All Screens or Reject All Screens as well as to Print.

Note: When printing the E-Organizer information, you can choose which sections to print infomation for.

If you have entered data into the client prior to importing the e-organizer the following message will appear:

By clicking Yes the information already entered into the client will be transferred into the organizer and will be indicated in blue text verse the orange text for data entered into the e-organizer by the taxpayer. The preparer is then able to accept/reject screens as necessary, replacing data previously entered without losing it.

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Accessing the E-Organizer data after importing

To view information received from an e-organizer:

  1. Open the client to the Detail tab
  2. If not there already, select the the Contents tab to go to the Table of Contents
  3. In the left hand column of the table of contents, you will see a link under E-Organizer View Taxpayer Information.
  4. Click the link to view the the clients e-organizer data.

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Lacerte Tax

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