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Editing the E-Organizer email letters in Lacerte

by Intuit3 Updated 7 months ago

Table of contents:

How do I edit the email letter that goes out with the Lacerte E-Organizers?

To edit the E-Organizer Email Letter:

  1. Go to the Clients list.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Organizer.
  3. Select the + next to E-mail Letter.
  4. Select the applicable E-mail Letter to edit.
  5. Make the necessary changes to the letter.
  6. Select on Save once complete.

To insert keywords:

  1. Place your cursor where you want to add the keyword.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Keywords.
  3. Select the Keyword Category under the Categories section:
    • Firm Information
    • Client Information
    • Miscellaneous
    • Appointment Information
  4. Select the Keyword under the Keyword Names section.
  5. Select Insert.

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Is there a way to get the border to display or print with the E-Organizer?

No. The border is an option for printed organizers only.

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Do E-Organizers trigger anti-virus software?

Generally if the recipient of a e-organizer has any kind of anti-virus with Auto Detect enabled, the anti-virus may pick up the e-organizer file as a virus. A good way to determine if it is a virus or the e-organizer is to look at the file name. The file name of the e-organizer will be EOrg20YY.EXE. If the recipient is receiving a warning about a virus after opening the e-organizer email, have the client write down the name of the file the anti-virus software is referring to. Make sure the file name is EOrg20YY.exe. If the File is not named EOrg20YY.exe, do not Run/Allow the file.

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When clicking the link in the email to Download or Save and Run eorg20YY.exe, it seems to run but then stops, nothing happens. If saving E-Organizer to the desktop and running it from there, it runs, but then stops, and will also disappear from the desktop

The same issue will occur if saving eOrg via a web browser's Download directory (Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge).

  1. Click the link in the email to download eOrg.
  2. When prompted to Run or Save, select Save, and save the eOrg file to the desktop.
  3. Create a temporary folder on the desktop (name the folder "Hold", for example).
  4. Right-click on eOrg (on the desktop) and select Copy.
  5. Right-click and select to Paste eOrg into the temporary directory you created.
  6. Delete the eOrg file you downloaded earlier from your desktop.
  7. Open the temporary directory, right-click the eOrg file and select Copy.
  8. Right-click and select to Paste eOrg on the desktop.
  9. Double click the eOrg file to run the file.

The "20YY Tax Organizer - Enter Password" screen should open. Refer to the email sent by your tax preparer to locate the assigned password, and complete the e-organizer as normal.

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What to do if E-Organizer's password on an international client with foreign address is showing as incorrect

Spaces in the city name are included as part of the first five characters. For example, BET SHALOM with social of 123-45-6789, password would be: "BET S6789".

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What to do if an E-Organizer sent to the taxpayer cannot be opened and double clicking on the icon does nothing

One potential cause of this may be a problem with the Questionnaire attached.  If the questionnaire has a link that ends in a "/" then the E-Organizer will fail to launch. 

Note: This is especially common in situations in which an internet address has been included in the E-Organizer's questionnaire, for example, "Please visit us at" 

This issue can be resolved by removing the "/"  Follow the steps below to remove the "/" from the E-Organizer link.

  1. Highlight the link in the E-Organizer email.
  2. Right-click on the highlighted link and select Copy.
  3. Open a browser window.
  4. Right-click in the Address bar of your browser and select Paste.
  5. Scroll to the end of the web address you just pasted and use the Backspace key to delete the "/" at the end of the web address.
  6. Press the Enter key or click Go in your browser to download the E-Organizer file.

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What to do if a taxpayer attempting to access an E-Organizer via the e-mail or through the desktop icon encounters the message "No Tax data found.  Please contact your preparer."

This situation can arise in one of several scenarios.  What has happened is that the client has downloaded and accessed the original data, this pulls it from our server.  The client can then either save the data or return it to the preparer.  If it is returned to the preparer the client is asked if they want to save the data.  Additionally if the client attempts to exit the E-Organizer after entering data they are prompted to save their information.  

If the client doesn't save at any point or saves but somehow manages to delete or corrupt the E-Organizer files under C:\EOrganizer, then attempting to re-access the E-Organizer either through the engagement E-mail or through the icon on the desktop will fail, because there is no "Tax data" to be pulled from the server or the computer itself, and as a result the client will need to "contact their preparer" to have another E-Organizer sent to them. 

If the client saves the data on one computer, it is not available on another computer.  The client may transfer a partially completed E-Organizer to another computer by copying the whole C:\EOrganizer folder to a flash drive and saving it on the other computer.

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Lacerte Tax

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