E-filing extensions in batches
by Intuit•1• Updated 2 years ago
Down below you will find the instructions on how to batch e-file extensions for multiple clients:
- Click on the Clients tab (to view the list of your clients).
- Highlight the client files to e-file by holding down CTRL and clicking each client or click F3 to select them all.
- Click on E-File.
- Click on Start E-file Extension Wizard.
- If any client has not been designated as en electronic return, you will be prompted to convert to an Electronic return. After this has been done the e-file wizard will continue.
- Continue through the e-file Wizard to send the electronic extensions.
Since batch processing of extensions does not require an entry to mark each return as an extension, we recommend that a group filing status be applied to the selected returns to make them easier to identify.
This e-file status of the extension can be viewed within the e-file Clients view, the e-file Center view, and also by selecting F4, and clicking the E-file Status tab.
E-file extensions can also be easily tracked by filters under the E-file Clients view and via the Client Activity and Outstanding Client reports under E-File on the menu bar.