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Wisconsin Legal Residence Questionnaire for ProConnect Tax

by Intuit Updated 1 month ago

Use the Legal Residence Questionnaire section, in Wisconsin Nonresident/Part-Year under State & Local to complete the Legal Residence (Domicile) Questionnaire on Form 1NPR Page 5. Depending on which situation applies, enter the information in the appropriate subsection.

  1. From the Input Return tab, go to State & Local  Part-Yr./Nonres. Information  WI Part-Year/Nonresident Info. 
  2. Scroll down to Legal Residence Questionnaire.

Use this section if the following diagnostic is generated:

e-file: If legal residence was established in another state for Legal Residence Questionnaire on page 5 of Form 1NPR, each of lines 7a - 7e must be completed.  Either a date must be entered in Screen 55.231, codes 29, 30, 31, 32, 33 to answer the item yes or an explanation must be entered to indicate No in codes 55, 56, 57, 58, 59. (ref. #16906)

ProConnect Tax

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