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Generating Minnesota Form M1PR in the Individual Module of Lacerte

by Intuit1 Updated 5 months ago

How do I generate Minnesota (MN) Form M1PR?

To generate Form MN M1PR:

  1. Go to Screen 53.221, Minnesota Household Income/Sch. M1PR.
  2. Check the boxes that apply under the M1PR Information section.
    • Renter
    • Homeowner
    • Mobile home owner
    • Nursing home resident

If you checked Homeowner:

  1. Go to Screen 53.226, Statement of Property Taxes Payable.
  2. Complete the Statement of Property Taxes Payable section.
  3. Scroll down to the Property Amounts section.
  4. Select the type of property from the Property class drop down menu.
  5. Complete all applicable fields under the Property Amounts and Credits and Property Tax Dollars Allocations (Memorandum Entries Only) subsections.

*Note- MN M1PR for homeowners will only generate if the Taxpayer is not a dependent on another person's return, the total household income (line 8) is less than $107,930 and the Refund amount is greater than 0.

If you checked Renter:

  1. Go to Screen 53.225, Minnesota Certificate of Rent Paid.
  2. Complete the Certificate of Rent Paid section.
  3. Scroll down to the Rental Amounts section.
  4. Complete all applicable fields pertaining to the CRP.
    Note: Mandatory entries to generate the M1PR are:
    - "Number of units on this property"
    - "Number of adults living in unit (count married couple as 1)"
    - "Rent amount paid in 20XX by individual or married couple renters" (where XX is the tax year end)
    - "Total months rented"

*Note- MN M1PR for renters will only generate if the Taxpayer is not a dependent on another person's return, the total household income (line 8) is less than $58,490 and the Refund amount is greater than 0.

Lacerte Tax

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