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Adding and removing state/city returns in ProSeries

by Intuit Updated 9 months ago

Adding a state return to the client file

This section will help you add or attach a state return to a specific client in ProSeries.

To add/access state returns in ProSeries Professional:

  1. Open the client return.
  2. From the File menu, select Go to State/City.
    • If a state return automatically opens that means only one state is installed.
    • If an error message pops up, the formset may not have a state installed and one can be downloaded by selecting the Update menu and choosing Select and Download New Products or the state has not yet been released for the year. To find the anticipated release dates for the states see ProSeries Tax form finder
  3. Select the applicable state and click OK.

To add/access state returns in ProSeries Basic:

  1. Open the client return.
  2. From the left side of the screen select State.
  3. Add a checkmark to the state you need to complete to add that states tab.
    • If an error message pops up, the formset may not have a state installed and one can be downloaded by selecting the Update menu and choosing Select and Download New Products or the state has not yet been released for the year. To find the anticipated release dates for the states see ProSeries Tax form finder

Marking the state returns for e-filing

  1. On the Federal Information Worksheet Part VI, check the box File state return electronically.
  2. In the Select state(s) to file electronically table, select the state return you want to electronically file.
  3. Open and save the state return.

Adding City Returns

Most city returns are part of the state forms and can be found by pressing F6 while in the state return. However some cities have their own return type, such as NYC for the Forms 202 and 1127. The general NYC tax is on the main NY forms, but if you select ST again while in the NY return you'll see a secondary option for New York City. See Generating city returns for more information.

Removing a state return from a client file

This section will help you remove or 'unattach' a state return from the client. If you need to permanently uninstall a state see Uninstalling a federal or state product.

If you currently have the federal return open in ProSeries Professional:

  1. Click on the File menu and select Remove State/City
  2. Select the state to remove, and  click Remove.
  3. Click OK when you are asked the question "All data associated with this return will be deleted. Are you sure?"
  4. Press F9 and then F10 at the Federal Information Worksheet screen.

If you have the state or city return that you want to remove open in ProSeries Professional:

  1. Click on the File menu and select Remove This State/City.
  2. Click OK when you are asked the question "All data associated with this return will be deleted. Are you sure?"
  3. Press F9 and then F10 at the Federal Information Worksheet screen.

If you are using ProSeries Professional:

  1. Open the client return.
  2. From the left side of the screen select State.
  3. Remove the checkmark to the state you need to remove.

Of note:

  • If there are any other states attached, press F9 and then F10 at each of the State Information Worksheet screens.
  • Some city returns are extra forms in the state return and not a separate return.
ProSeries Basic

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