Understanding 1040 deceased taxpayer e-file reject code - SSN locked by the Social Security Administration
by Intuit•2• Updated 6 months ago
The following reject codes generate in ProConnect, ProSeries or Lacerte when attempting to e-file a 1040 return for a deceased taxpayer:
- IND-901: The Primary SSN on the tax return has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual.
- IND-953: The Dependent SSN (or Qualifying Child SSN on Form 1040-SS (PR)) has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual.
- IND-941: The Spouse SSN in the return has been locked because Social Security Administration records indicate the number belongs to a deceased individual.
- R0000-179: The Spouse SSN in the Return Header is locked per taxpayer's request or the SSN has been identified as that of a deceased person per Social Security Administration records.
Why is this reject code generating?
This return must be filed as a conventional paper return.
The deceased individuals' Social Security number has been locked by the Social Security Administration. For more information, contact:
- IRS e-Services help desk
- Social Security Administration: 1-800-772-1213