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E-file reject code R0000-902-01: Taxpayer TIN in return header must not be same as TIN of previous e-file

by Intuit Updated 10 months ago

This article will help with the following error message: The Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the primary taxpayer has already been used on a return filed with the IRS.

To resolve e-file rejection code R0000-902-01, review the suggestions below:

  • Confirm the Social Security numbers in the return match the Social Security card.
  • If the taxpayer or spouse e-filed their return using a different preparer or software for the current tax year, you can't e-file this tax return for the current tax year, you must paper-file.
  • If unable to determine a cause for the reject code, file the return via US Mail to the appropriate IRS Service Center.
  • The IRS receives the Social Security number from the Social Security Administration. If, after making sure the Social Security number you feel this was received in error, contact the Social Security Administration at 800-772-1213.
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