Running EasyACCT remotely using terminal server client server cloud computing remote desktop
by Intuit• Updated 10 months ago
Will EasyACCT run across a terminal server, VPN, Citrix, Client Server, Remote Desktop or Cloud environment?
The only supported vendor for running EasyACCT remotely is Intuit Hosting. We have partnered with Rightworks. For help setting up your EasyACCT in Rightworks see EasyACCT Hosting Onboarding and Setup Guide
- Due to the restrictions on BTRIEVE version 6.15, we do not support running EasyACCT remotely through any other means besides Intuit Hosting, because it will only allow one person to access the data at a time.
- We do not guarantee the program will run on a terminal server or any remote environment.
- We do not provide support for this type of setup (troubleshoot system problems or have recommended settings).
- Our license agreement requires a separate program be purchased for each physical location that accesses the program or data files.
- Your license agreement can be viewed in it's entirety from your #:EASYWNETWORKlicense.txt file.
- References to "Network" are limited to local area networks (LAN) only.
- Remote access is not the same as a local area network, therefore Network references do not apply to remote computing.
- A local area network is one that is totally confined to a single physical address.
Please Note!!
- If an IT professional can set up your system to access program or data files remotely:
- The appropriate licensing is required, which is one program purchased for each physical location of any user who accesses the program or the data remotely.
- Your IT professional will be your support contact.
- We do not test to this type of environment, nor do we have any recommended settings to allow the Btrieve engine to function effectively.
- If you are experiencing problems with screens refreshing in this type of environment the network/LAN speed/bandwidth might be too low.