Resolving error code AUF10: Unable to license ProSeries online
by Intuit• Updated 4 months ago
This article will help you solve the following error message:
- Your ProSeries software license is currently not available.
This may be due to an issue with your order. The customer number entered in your ProSeries software may not be correct, or you are on a Deferred Payment Option. Use the link below and search 'AUF10' for more information.
Error code: AUF10
If you're on the Deferred Payment Option (DPO) payment plan:
This error occurs if the final payment isn't received. See Deferred Payment Information for due dates for the current year.
If you aren't on the DPO payment plan:
The error happens if the Customer Number in your program is incorrect. You can find the Customer Number that the order was placed under in your order confirmation email or your My Account Dashboard.
To check if the Customer Number in your program matches the Cusomter Number the order was placed under:
- Open ProSeries
- From the Tools menu, select Options.
- Click on the Customer Information button.
- Review the Customer Number and correct it if it doesn't match.
- If you changed the customer number click OK to close out of options.
- From the Tools menu choose License Products.
If you continue to receive the error, there may have been an issue in proccessing your order. Check your inbox for an email regarding issues with processing the credit card on your order.